Devise is an awesome library for authentication with Rails. Things are extremely simple to setup for most cases but when you begin implementing slightly trickier business logic, it can become a pain. And the real reason is mainly just because the wiki needs a little love. They iterate quickly, and documenting everything in a newbie friendly wiki page is often hard to do. So I’m going to take a quick stab at documenting my implementation:

The Problem

I’m working on an application that runs on multiple domains and subdomains. Each domain has it’s own set of admins and users. The admins are tied to a domain, and users are tied to a subdomain of that domain. Both of these need to allow authentication via a username field as opposed to the standard email field.

Starting out, we implemented the models just like normal with Devise. Generate custom views for each, and follow this tutorial for adding username authentication.

After I got everything setup, admin users could login just fine, but users could not. What was worse, was the Devise Sessions controller was executing but never calling ` find_for_database_authentication on the model. I had no idea what was going on, and all I could get Devise to do was return a **Completed 401 Unauthorized`** error and immediately re-render the login form.

This is where we differentiate a bit. In that tutorial, they suggest that you set the authentication_keys in devise.rb like this:

  config.authentication_keys = [ :login ]

Well this is actually going to be the source of our problems. In order to authenticate admins based upon a specific domain, we’re going to include the domain_id inside of the login form as a hidden field. In order to use the domain_id inside the model for authentication, we added it to the authentication_keys array:

  config.authentication_keys = [ :login, :domain_id ]

But wait! That works for admins because they are based upon the domain. Users authenticate against a subdomain, not a domain_id. The users need authentication_keys like this:

  config.authentication_keys = [ :login, :subdomain_id ]

And we put the subdomain_id as a hidden field in their new session form. This is a problem, because the initializer only runs once. We need some way to change this at runtime based upon which type of user is authenticating.

The solution

After a long time searching for a solution to the 401 Unauthorized, I found out that the authentication_keys was the cause of the problem (after having a hunch). The bad part was that I wasn’t able to find a method for debugging the issue.

I found the solution on Stack Overflow that pointed out that you’re actually able to set authentication_keys on the model itself in the devise call like so:

  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, ..., :authentication_keys => [:login, :domain_id]

Nifty! We can set these dynamically without touching the initializer. This lets us cleanly customize the authentication without much work. I’ll be updating the wiki to add this functionality because I certainly can’t be the only one who searched long and hard for a solution!

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